Data Search Engine

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European Data Portal

15 results

UK Wages Over the Past Four Decades

United Kingdom

This Report looks at changes in earnings in the UK over the past forty years. It makes use of distributional and cohort analysis to assess the impact of the recession on earnings as well as looking at the impact of the introduction of the national minimum wage. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: UK Wages Over the Past Four Decades

National minimum wage: interim government evidence to the Low Pay Commission 2012.

United Kingdom

Data for the tables and charts in the interim government evidence to the Low Pay Commission 2012. The data is from a range of sources and covers differing time periods. Refer to the published report for further information.

Investment climate; society, 1990-2013


This table gives a couple of social factors which are important for a country's investment climate. Attitudes towards work are important with regards to business activities, for example if employees prefer a part-time job or have a tendency to change jobs quickly. Political choices influence the scope entrepreneurs have, as well as the incentives to work (expressed here in social benefits and minimum wage). This table gives information about the development of job mobility, part-time employment,...

Monthly minimum wage as a proportion of average monthly earnings (%) - NACE Rev. 1.1 (1999-2009) ,

Monthly minimum wage as a proportion of average monthly earnings (%) - NACE Rev. 1.1 (1999-2009)

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